Friday, November 15, 2019

Carpe Diem Poetry

How would you respond if some guy slid into your dms saying "hey cutie, don't know if u heard but like...this flea bit both of us so we're basically married and we might as well get down to business HAHA JK JK...unless ;)"

Creeped out?? Me too!!

Carpe Diem poetry is nothing more than horny guys writing out pleas for sex using ridiculous imagery to create an illusion of humor to seem less intimidating. I would love to see statistics on the success ratio for these poets' attempts to flirt with women, and I'm betting they're not high.

This poetry only exists because of the oppressive structures in place that silenced the female responses to it. Fleas are not sexy, and worms taking your virginity are downright insulting. I'm not sure what it is about these men and bugs, but their approaches could certainly use some improvement.


  1. First of all, I imagine that The Pogues would be delighted to get credit for the old childhood nursery rhyme in the meme above, and might be even more delighted to be on the same meme with a Bible passage with Sponge Bob on it. Secondly, I'm pleased to see the Pogues still getting some play. Thirdly.....Carpe Diem is still a great motto (if we just ignore the 17th century context). Fourthly, this is an entertaining post.

  2. I totally agree with this. It definitely relates to one of my blogs I wrote about men feeling that they have priority over women. This is a crazy mindset to be in for 2019... I hope we've changed..?? #boysaredumb

  3. This post made me laugh. I like that you said that the "we only have so much time to live so lets make the most of it" attitude that goes with Carpe Diem poetry is offensive to women. A very interesting perspective.
